Things are going well around our house y'all! We have been working on not eating out except once on the weekend and the rest of the time we cook at home and take our lunches. This has been going very well and saves us A LOT of money y'all! We are eating a lot of fruits and more veggies. This goes for Big B too! He is turning into quite the fruit lover! I am VERY happy to report I am 6 1/2 months SODA FREE!!!!!!! That is HUGE for me and I hope to keep it up for a long time!!!
We have officially listed our house with a realtor so if y'all could send all the good vibes you can our way to get this house sold and help us find a bigger place that would be wonderful!!!!!!!!!
We took Big B to his first rodeo on Saturday night and he LOVED it! It was the Dallas County Fair Rodeo and I wasn't sure what to expect for B's first time. It is a long time for a 2 year old to sit there. Some things at a rodeo are very exciting and then other things aren't so much for a little boy.
The first thing they did was have the bucking horses and B loved it! If you know our son, you know he is a very concerned little boy! He is always worried about someone getting hurt. So when the first cowboy got bucked off the horse, he yells "Careful horsey, careful cowboy!" Then he cheers his little heart out! It was the cutest thing every y'all!
He sat there most of the night really well and watched all the horses and bulls. He got a little restless at times but that is to be expected. It was a little warm there too but he didn't complain one bit! Our little guy LOVES to be outside so he was in heaven!
He will be in for a real treat in a couple weeks when we take him to the Dallas County Fair and he gets to see all the animals and they have an Extreme Bull Riding night. I can't wait for him to get to watch that too! Speaking of The Dallas County Fair y'all, if you enjoy taking pictures or quilting and want to show off your work, you should take your hard work to the fair! It is all free and fun for all ages! I am going to be taking some photography this year. As soon as we get our house sold and I have more room to work on my quilt, I will be taking on that! If you are interested in taking any projects to the open classes at the fair please email Sherry James at
I have decided to try my hand at some of the food classes at the Iowa State Fair this year. I have never done anything like this before and I am SUPER excited about it this year. I am going to take some of the salsa we canned last summer, some chocolate chip & cocoanut banana bread and my Grandma's "World Famous" Potato Salad! The hubs is excited because I will be working on perfecting these recipes over the next month or so and that means he will be the official taste tester! I am not expecting anything but to enter and have fun learning more for next year. I am trying to get in a class called the Mystery Sack. From what I can tell it is like the show Chopped on the Food Network. You pick three seasonings you want to take with you and the rest is provided for you to cook with! Sounds exciting y'all! They only allow 6 people in and I am on the waiting list as of right now! Fingers crossed...................
I can't believe how fast the summer is going already! It won't be long and I will be leaving my boys for a full week to go on RAGBRAI. Oh don't remind me...........that is a LONG time to be away but I can do it.........RIGHT!?!?!?!?
Don't forget to stop by Breakfast Delights and get some great food if you are riding this year by the way!! Or as always, we are at the end of Court Ave every Saturday for Downtown Farmer's Market!
Thanks for reading y'all!
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