Stripper least 12 of them y'all through out the whole studio!
I thought to myself, what in the hell did you get yourself into!! And can you get out of it?!?!!?
I had heard great things about this place and I knew I just needed a kick in the ass to get myself back into shape so this might just be the place to do it!
Going to a gym and doing things on my own clearly hadn't worked in the past. I need motivation, I need guidance, I need FUN, I need a JEN KEES!!
There isn't alot of "gym equipment" everywhere. Just a big open space and always music playing in the background. If you go in for the early morning class there might be some feathers on the floor from the night before, as there are usually some kind fun pole classes that go late into the night.
From the moment I walked into the studio and talked to Jen Kees for the first time, I felt like I had found a new best friend! She made me feel like I could do anything I wanted to do as long as I put my mind to! She is AMAZBALLS y'all and the people she has working with her are just as great!!
I am telling y'all, I used to be in pretty good shape when I was in high school (a LONG time ago) but after completing one day of work outs at this place I KNEW I was in for a RUDE awaking!!!
This isn't for sissy's y'all................this place is hard core! Don't let the stripper poles fool ya! Jen Kees knows what she is doing and she is doing it WELL! She takes everyday things and puts them to great use to help you tone up and lose the inches. I ran my first 5K after only working out there a few short months! I am telling y'all her motivation is AMAZING!
She has so many classes to chose from. Pumptime was always a favorite of mine but kickboxing was a close second. I know she has new ones now since I haven't been there in a while too. I always loved it when the weather turned nice and we could head outside to try something new!
Trust me y'all I was always the first to complain about something but
inside I was smiling with excitement because I knew it was going to make
my body look SO MUCH BETTER!
I have never gotten the strength to do a pole class yet but someday! Oh
don't be judging y'all! Just give it a takes some
MASSIVE upper body strength to pull yourself up a stripper pole and do
ANY kind of a trick! You might think the girls that work those poles
are beneath you, but I am here to tell you, they can kick your ass in a
There are ladies and gents that work out here but I didn't feel intimidated one bit. I felt like I could go in there and be myself and no one would judge me for the way I looked or how I was doing the workout.
Does anyone look their best when they workout? I for one sweat my ass off when I work out and that is what you should do, right? Well when I am in a gym doing my thing, the last thing I want to be worrying about is what other people are thinking about me when I am trying to do a dead lift with 150 pound weights! I didn't feel that way ONCE at Kees!
I got to know one of the other trainers there, Cari, pretty well also
and she was just as sweet as Jen. These ladies made me feel like I
could go out and move a mountain if I wanted to!
I can honestly say that going to Kees camp was not only great for me physically but it was therapeutic too! It was a chance for me to go let my stress out from the Hubs being sick and just the day to day stress of things. And in the process of it, I met these two AMAZING ladies that I am proud to call my friends!
Jen Kees and Cari Jones saved my life!
They pushed me to be a better person not only health wise but just all around. I have went backwards from where was I when I first went to Kees, and I pray everyday to get back there someday. Things will get back to how they should be in my life and everything happens for a reason.
These two beautiful souls came into my life for a reason once and I know they will again. I just have to keep pushing myself to get there!
Sorry I got a little sappy there y'all but if you have never met Jen you should stop in and at least talk to her! Just meeting her can change your me...............she changed mine!
Kees Camp.....check it out today y'all!
<3 <3 <3