Friday, January 3, 2014

So Far So Good!

Well y'all I am on day 3 of the no pop thing and going strong!!  I do still drink coffee so I am getting some caffeine but I am not drinking all that sugar that I was before! 

Now I am going to work on my eating healthier.  I would love to say I am going to try to eat "clean" but I just don't know if I can do that.  I LOVE food y'all!!  I mean L O V E food!!! 

But I supposed that is why I weigh as much as I do!! :(

So this is what I am thinking...........if I can work really hard on not eating fast food and "Junk" during the week while I am at work then I should be good! RIGHT?!?!

The Hubs and I have a date night tonight so Big B has a play date with one of his favorite baby sitters!!  I love that we have such great friends that are willing to watch him for us so we can have some time alone once in a while!

So while we are out for dinner tonight, the plan is to get some good food to eat but also healthy at the same time.

I didn't use to like fish until we went to Hawaii and that is where I fell in love with it!! So now any chance I get to have some good Salmon or Tilapia I try to get it. Of course it is not NEAR as good as it is fresh in Hawaii but beggars can't be choosers! 

Sorry about that "squirrel" there y'all!  Anyway, I am thinking I might get a nice piece of fish and a veggie tonight!

After dinner I believe we are going to check out a movie! It has been a very long time since we have been to one of those! :)

Sorry this isn't very interesting today!!  I am thinking about doing some pictures for my before and afters!

Let's Do This Y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!

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