Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Recap!

Well 2013 has come to an end y'all and I for one can't believe how fast the year went!!!

Let me back up just a scosh for y'all and recap my Christmas with my side of the fam for ya!  We always go to my parents house and spend the night so we can play games and EAT A TON of food!!

This year was no different!  We went out on Saturday and spend the night.  We each have a stocking at my parents house.  Yes I know what y'all are thinking..............You are a grown ass adult you don't need a stocking anymore. Well this is where I have to DISAGREE with y'all!  My parents LOVE Christmas and stockings are a part of that!!  We get great stuff in our stockings!!

This year I got a punch card to the Iowa State Fair (who wouldn't want that I ask you!) some peanut M&M's, the movie Pitch Perfect, some socks, and some soap.  These are the kinds of things we get every year and it is one of my favorite parts of Christmas!! :)

Next we get to open ALL our presents!  We don't wait until the next day or only open one.......we go balls to the wall when we open presents y'all!!!

Every year my parents say they are going to cut back and every year it is the same thing!  They always go over board and the KIDS love it!! 

Big B got his big boy bedding (cars) and he was SO excited!!  Of course he got tons of toys too and his cousins got toys he thought he should be playing with as well!!! 

This was the first year Big B was really EXCITED about opening presents so he thought he should open EVERYONE'S!!  His older cousins were great about letting him "help" them out!!

I got a Keurig, jewelry armor, Nashville the series, and one of my favorite things was a necklace that is just like this one only with Big B's name on it!  I LOVE it so much!!!  I got alot of other things too but I can't remember them all right now!

As y'all know I personally went through alot during the year 2013!  Separating from my husband was one of the hardest things I have ever done.  We have both been through so much in the 5 years we have been married.  Y'all know I talk about alot on here but I won't be talking about that.  I will tell y'all this...............we are back together and looking forward to a WONDERFUL 2014 as a family! 

Okay, now here is your part to help me out y'all!!  I have made two New Years Resolutions! I did this one year and said no more chocolate and I actually did it for a WHOLE YEAR! I know I am just as shocked as y'all!

Number 1.....................NO MORE POP!  I was drinking WAY more than I should by the end of the year and I need to get back to drinking water again!  So I am one day in and doing great!  I just need your help to keep me going!!  I will keep y'all posted on how I am doing too!

Number 2...........I am going to lose 5 pounds.  Now y'all know as well as I do that I need to lose W A Y more than 5 pounds, but I have been reading alot about obtaining your goals.  If you set realistic ones, you will reach them alot better.  So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am going to say 5 pounds, then when I reach that I will say another 5 pounds.........see where I am going with this?!?!  I will be letting y'all know how this goes. 

I know most people just say they are going to do a resolution and then don't stick with it but I am really going to do this y'all!  I am just suborn enough to get it done!

Here's to a NEW and BETTER me!!!


  1. congratulations all around. 2014 will be great!

  2. Hi Heather! Thank you for linking to the necklace in my shop (! I'm so glad you love it, and I'm honored that you shared the link! It allowed me to find your blog, and I love adding to my list of blogs to follow. Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is amazing for you and your family!
