First off the Hubs and I decided early on in the pregnancy that we didn't want anyone to know that we were going to the hospital to have the baby. We weren't going to call anyone when we were on our way there or anything. We just didn't want to have to deal with a lot of people out in the waiting room for ever waiting on me to deliver!
So earlier in the week I had been home sick with the flu! And when I say I had the flu I mean I had THE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get to go to the Hubs side of the family for Thanksgiving because I couldn't stay out of the bathroom long enough for him to go himself let alone a hour and 45 min car ride!!!! So we stayed home and I literally ate a piece of toast and drank a gallon of water because that was almost all I could keep down!
I ended up in L&D due to being so dehydrated that I could hardly stand it. They gave me a bag and a half of IV fluids and decided to send me home. I wasn't feeling that bad anymore and besides, L&D is for having a baby and my due date wasn't until December 25th. So you don't need to stay in a hospital room just because you have to shit a million times a day!
So I went back home and stayed home from work another day I believe and finally made it back to work on Tuesday. Thursday I had my weekly checkup with my OB. I had Gestational Diabetes while I was pregnant so I had to go every week to be checked out. If you haven't had GD while pregnant count your blessings!!! I thought, oh being pregnant during the holidays is going to be KICK ASS!!!! You can eat whatever you want and all the candy for the holidays!!! WRONG!!!! You don't get to do that when you have GD!!!
GD........sounds so dirty!!! Anyway back to the baby thing..........So Thursday after work I go in for my checkup and my blood pressure is WAY high and my "cankles" are just that.........HUGE!!!!
I was swelling everywhere and my OB was TOTALLY concerned! So she looks and me and says, " You are going to need to head over to the L&D and we are going to do some protein test with your urine and monitor your blood pressure." "You are already dilated to a 2 and 85% effaced so we just want to make sure everything is okay."
Oh, okay! I looked at the hubs and said lets go. But before leaving I looked back at the OB and said, "Um, do we need an overnight bag?" I was laughing because I was JOKING!!!!!! She wasn't laughing when she said, "Um, YES!"
WHAT?!?!?!?!? I have a MONTH before my baby is due and WHY do I need to have an overnight bag?!?!?! I am NOT going to be put on bed rest for a WHOLE MONTH people!!!! Yes, I LOVE sleeping but while I was pregnant, that was the LAST place I liked to be. I couldn't get comfortable and it didn't matter how I laid, the baby was ON MY BLADDER!!!
So by the time we get to the hospital I am TOTALLY freaked out. The Hubs is trying to get me calmed down since part of the reason we are there after all is my high blood pressure. They just start me out in a bed but not in a room. It is like in an on-deck room just in case they have to admit you later on.But for the time being they aren't admitting you.
So we hang out in there for HOURS just having me pee in this container and monitor my blood pressure. Finally the nurse comes in and says,"Well we have to admit you due to the protein in your urine and your pressure isn't going down as well as we would like."
So instantly my first question.......... "Does this mean I am going to be on bed rest?" She said "It means that for tonight you are going to be staying here, and we will see after that what the doctor says".
At this point, we both called our parents to let them know what was going on but just told them I was there for observation and that was it. After all, that was what I was there for!! There was no need to worry, everything was fine and I was sure I would be going home the next day if not by Saturday.
I don't know why anyone thinks you can get any sleep in a hospital but you can't! I tried and so did the hubs but he didn't have much to sleep on. There was a chair that was supposed to fold out into a bed but it didn't work very well so he just slept in the chair!
The next morning (Friday morning) my OB comes in (who is a Hawkeye fan PS and a Rock Star of a doctor) and said "I think we are going to have to keep you here at least today because when you get out of bed your blood pressure seems to go up."
Now at this point, I didn't think she was a Rock Star......just give her some time everyone, you will see she really is a Rock Star!
This whole day I was just supposed to stay in bed and pee in a jug.............that was it! They didn't want me to get out of bed much more than that......IT SUCKED!!! Finally that afternoon or evening my OB stopped in and said, "I have talked to a high risk doctor and we agree we are going to need to take the baby." "We know it is a month early but judging my the last measurements we took, the baby is at a good size and at 36 weeks babies are very developed." So we feel it will be best for you and the baby if we go ahead and deliver.
Holy Shit man!!! When I left home for work yesterday, the last thing on my mind was, "Oh, I think we might have a baby tomorrow!!!"
This shit just got real, real quick!
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