Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Birth of Baby B Part II

I was scared to death!!  I wasn't ready for the baby yet!  We still had a month to get ready! We still had a class in our birthing classes to take for goodness sakes!!! (Like that really mattered!) I didn't know what to do, I was so worried the baby would be okay, I was scared.............And there was my husband.  

Cool, Calm and Collected!  "Honey, everything is going to be okay." He really is the best person to have in a crisis, because he never gets to worked up about anything!

So they gave me some medicine in my IV ( I don't remember what it was called) to prevent me from having seizures due to my blood pressure being high.  Then around 7 P.M. Friday night they decided to give me some Pitocin to help things get started since I wasn't really in labor on my own.  About 10 minutes later my water broke on its own!!

That is the craziest thing ever if you haven't had that happen!!  I was laying in bed after getting up to pee every 15 minutes and I had JUST got back in bed.  I looked at the Hubs and said, "Oh great, I have to pee again!" And just then, POP and there went my water!  

After the nurse came in and got everything cleaned up, she said "Things are moving a lot quicker than we thought they would if that just broke in 10 minutes!" 

My Rock Star OB came in to check on me for the night and asked how I felt about drugs..........."UM I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!  The sooner I can get them the better, but I haven't really felt anything yet!"  "Well, I am glad to hear that and we will get anesthesiologist up here for an epidural whenever you are ready," she said!  

The nurses changed shifts somewhere at this point but the next nurse I had was pretty good.  She came in around 10 P.M. and said "you have been having some pretty good sized contractions, do you think are you ready for an epidural yet?"

Now, I am not a tough person by any means of the word!  But I was pretty excited by this because I didn't really think they were that bad!  Because to me...........the scariest part of this whole thing...............was getting the EPIDURAL!!!!!!!!!  Don't get me wrong.....I wanted one BADLY!!!!  But I was scared to death to get one!! I HATE needles with a passions (yes I have tattoos but they are different to me!) and have a HUGE NEEDLE in my back........SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!

So my response was........."If I can get one and it isn't too early, Lets do this shit!"  

In it went and within minutes I was feeling WAY better!  I could actually get comfortable enough to fall asleep.  So that is exactly what the Hubs and I both did. 

I woke up around 4 A.M Saturday morning to NOT being able to feel my legs. I was in a total panic!!!  "Adam!!!" " I can't feel my legs!!!"  "I think you need to call the nurse!!!"  He looks at me and says, "I am pretty sure that is what the epidural is supposed to do!"  "Oh, well I didn't know!!  I have never had one of these before!"  So after the panic was gone, I was totally fine with not being able to feel my legs cause that meant the epidural worked!!!

The nurse came in shortly after that to check me and see how things were progressing.  "Oh, you are at a 3 almost a 4, things are going great!"  "How are you feeling?"  Honestly I was feeling fine.  I hadn't really felt much of the contractions and since my epidural I was totally fine.  She said if you can get some rest, I would suggest you do so.  

So we tried to get more rest but that is easier said than done.  The contractions weren't bad but trying to get comfortable in the bed and not having use of your legs.........that sucks!!!

Around 7 A.M they came to check again, and WOW.........I was at at 9!!!!!  Things were REALLY moving along!!!  This baby was coming in a HURRY! He or she was ready to go weather we were or not! 

By this time we had our delivery nurse and talk about AMAZING!!!!  This lady was the best nurse I have ever seen! Not that I have a lot of experience with labor nurses but she was a rock star!!! 

When you are a first time mom, they don't really tell you EVERYTHING to expect.  Like when you feel like it is time to push............ya that means it feels like you have to go #2!!  That would have been nice to know!!!  I am trying to get out of bed (with legs that don't work) to go poo and she says "Oh, honey that just means you need to push!"  She was a tell it like it is person and didn't hold anything back!!!  The Hubs was right there with me all the way watching it all happen!  I really didn't know if he would be able to handle it but he was AMAZING!!!   

Our delivery nurse called the OB doctor and told her things were moving faster than we thought.  My doctor thought maybe by midnight the baby would be here and the nurse quickly informed her we would be lucky to make it to noon!!  

I started really pushing hard around 10 A.M. and I would be lying if I didn't say there were a couple of times I just wanted to be done and give up.  But between the nurse and the Hubs..............that wasn't an option!! 

Brantley James Nelson was born on Saturday December 3rd 2011 at 12:03 P.M.  He weighed 6 pounds 12 oz and was 21 inches long!! (just think if he would have stayed cooking for another month!)  

Calling our family to let them know he was here was the best part, since he was early no one was expecting the news!!  My brother was so mad because he thought we had him the night before at midnight and he couldn't get his name right at first.......I think he was just so surprised his nephew was here already! The grandparents were shocked of course but it was the best surprise any of us could have asked for!

Since he was a month early, his little lungs weren't quit developed all the way.  He spent 2 weeks in the NICU to get just a little bit stronger.  He has to be JUST like his daddy you know!!  Those two weeks were some of the hardest and most emotional days of my life!  But at exactly two weeks after he came into our life...........We FINALLY got to take him home just in time for Christmas!

Now looking at him today, you would NEVER know he was a preemie!!

Piece and Chicken Grease Y'all and make sure you kiss your babies every day and night cause they really are little miracles!!!!

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