Friday, April 12, 2013

Goal & Pinterest

So I am sure you are all DYING to know if I met my goal this morning or not and I am HAPPY to report I did!!!  With A LOT of help from the hubs I did my morning workout this morning.  He helped by "nudging" me out of bed this morning and the bigger help was by dropping B off at "school". (Yes we call day care school for our 1 year with it!)  So I got up, a little later than planned but I wanted as much sleep as humanly possible, and got my things around.  Things could have been so much simpler if I would have planned ahead and packed my bag the night before, but who wants to do that!?!?!?!  So I was getting my things together and packing my bag to shower at work when my adorable little monkey (that is B for you that don't know all my little nick names for my son yet) peeks his head up over his crib and smiles!!!  

Now.........I don't know about you but that just made it RIDICULOUSLY HARD for me to leave and go workout!!! But after getting a good hug and some kisses in I got on my shoes and headed out the door.  But not without another good "nudge" from the hubs!!  

But the good news is.......I made it in to workout!!!  I started off with some abs and legs and then finished it off with a mile jog on the treadmill.  I got it all in just under an hour. Then shower and dressed with plenty of time before my scheduled work time. (I am a very low maintenance kinda gal!)  So since I only live three miles from my office I decided to run home really quick to see my boys.  On the way home I noticed that our other vehicle was at school so I pulled in there to see B.  He wasn't having a very good morning so I am glad I did.  He was glad to see him mommy for just a little bit.  Then he was playing with his friends and toys and was fine.  

Here is my proof for you that I was working out this morning!! :) Not a very good picture but I am not a pretty person in the mornings!

So now onto my Pinterest discussion?  But first if you would like to check me out on Pinterest you can do so here.

Now am I the only person who ACTUALLY does some of the things I find on Pinterest?  I pin A LOT of things on there.  Now mind you I will NEVER do half the things on there but I have done some of them. In fact the workout that I did this morning, I got off there.  I have made several recipes off there and I even baked my eggs for Easter this year and I learned to do it off Pinterest. 

But lets be real.  I have 31 boards and over 1200 posts!!  That is a shit ton of stuff and I have a toddler for shit sakes!!!  Who has time to do all that stuff...............Martha Freakin Steward!?!???!?!  I don't even think she could do all the stuff that is on my Pinterest!!!   

Ok so that is really all I have to say about that............I do love it for very cute ideas about stuff but honestly, I am to damn tired to try to do all that stuff.  Now, I do LOVE food so I try to make the recipes on there as much as I can.  In fact.........we might be having this sometime soon!!
Crockpot Ravioli Trying this sometime soon!

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday night.  I believe it is bath night for B so we will have some dinner, bath, and early bedtime!! :)

We are meeting up with some of my high school class mates on Sunday so I will let you know how that goes and all the craziness that happens with that! It is always a blast when we get together!

Mama Nellie

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Getting started is the HARDEST part! It will get easier! Trust me, the last thing I want to do at 4:45 am to sweat it out with Jillian but I feel so much better! Now I automatically wake up right before the alarm goes's my routine. And as far as pinterest goes, I love it an all my pins, but have to admit I've only done about 10% of them at most! NEED more hours in the day! LOVE your blog!
