I walked towards the triage room and I can hear things banging around. I look to my left and I see my friend Sheena standing there and our other friend Angie. Then I look in the room and there is my gentle husband laying on the cold hard bed looking like he is asleep.
I went into the room to talk to the nurses. "How is he doing?" I asked. "Well we are trying to get him to stop seizing right now and get some medication into his IV but we are really having a hard time," the male nurse said.
Now this male nurse was a very large man. About as big as my husband only about 6 inches taller than him. There were also several other female nurses and a couple of other larger male nurses or EMT guys in there I am not really sure. I just kept looking at them...........why was there so many people in there for just one gentle, mild, teddy bear kind of a guy?
Now I know most of you might not know my husband personally but he wouldn't hurt anyone if he had too. He is the sweetest, most caring person you will ever meet. I have never seen or heard him raise his voice, let a lone a hand to anyone! But what I saw next, was NOT any of those things at all!!!
Just as I was asking myself these questions, the male nurse tried to put the IV in again and that is when my mild teddy bear of a husband started to have a seizure again and I saw what I can only compare to a scene out of the Hulk movie! He was throwing those nurses around like they were dolls!!! He was completely out of his mind and had no idea what he was doing but he was like nothing I have ever seen!
I had to turn around and walk away.........I couldn't be in there with him acting like that and not have any control over it.
By this point, time had officially stopped in my eyes! I don't have any idea what time it was, what day it was, or how was there and who wasn't. I do remember that my parents showed up shortly after I went to the internal waiting room. Now remember, I am a MASSIVE daddy's girl and all I could do was sit and cry with my dad!!
This is making me cry right now just writing this! There was so much unknown at that point! I had no idea what had happened in the time since we had left the house to go eat dinner and to when I was sitting with my daddy crying! All I knew was that my husband was now in a medically induced coma and he was being moved up to the ICU of the hospital and they would be doing come test.
He had what is called a Grand Mal Seizure when we were at the restaurant. It continued for about 2 hours and that is what he was doing while the nurses were trying to get an IV in him. He coded in the ambulance on the way to the hospital because his heart was working so hard during the seizure and because of his size that it kept giving out. So they put him in the coma for two reasons. One, to calm him down enough to be able to run the tests they needed to. And two, so they could get medicine into him when they needed. He had a seizure for so long that it had effected his brain.
So we went up to the ICU waiting room where they put Adam in his own room and we went to the family waiting room to talk to the doctors. They asked me questions that I again, didn't know the answers to. Adam's mom and dad are there now so they are able answer some of the questions now but I am so in shock at this point that they could have asked me if a bear shits in the woods and I would have said I don't know.
They tell me all the different test they are going to do and that this is going to take time. "Just try to get some rest and we will let you know as soon as we find out anything" the doctor says. YES, I will just go right over there to that couch and fall right to sleep! Thanks!!!! JACKSASS!!! I couldn't sleep if my life depended on it!!!!
I tried to go in and be with Adam but if I was in there for very long I would just ball my eyes out and the sweet nurse would come in and say, "sweetie please try to get something to eat or some rest." "You have to take care of yourself."
Now I am not a very smart person, trust me I know this. But why in the hell do people always think you can eat when you are worried sick about someone!! I don't think I could have eaten if you would have pried my mouth open and shoved food in!!
To be honest with you, I am not really sure how long it was, but finally my SUPER AMAZING mom and dad went to my house and got me some clothes and things to shower with. They had a shower room in the waiting room and I took what felt like the best shower I had ever had in my life. I think it had been a day and a half since we had come in but like I said, everything started to run together so I have no idea.
After all kinds of test, and MRI's and CT scans, and blood draws, everything came back negative but our WONDERFUL neurologist said she was pretty sure is was Spinal Meningitis with Herpes Simplex Virus. It had gotten on his spinal fluid and traveled to his brain which caused the seizure. The reason they couldn't be 100% sure was because the spinal tap they had done had come back negative but they have false negatives all the time.
"So we just hope and pray he wakes up and everything is fine?" I asked the neurologist? "Basically" she said.
FINALLY after being in a coma for 4 days the love of my life woke up!!! They had brought him out of the coma slowly so his brain had time to adjust. Getting a kiss from your husband, is a normal thing........but getting one from him when you haven't gotten one for 4 days when you thought you would never get one again!!!! PRICELESS!!!! That was the best thing I could have asked for!!!
He had no idea what had happened. He had tubes everywhere and down his throat so he couldn't talk. They had to wait to take those out for a little bit but I could kind of tell him what had happened. The doctor asked his what the last thing he remembered was and he said, "we went to eat at Pueblo Viejo."
That was the best thing I had heard my husband say! He was back from the dead and I couldn't have been happier! He finally got to get out of his bed and sit up in a chair for the first time in days and he was so happy about that!
They finally moved him to a regular room out of the ICU area and things were finally get back to normal. We could put this whole nightmare behind us and get back to our lives together.
It was around Thanksgiving time when Adam got dismissed from the hospital and he still wasn't feeling great but the doctor's couldn't find anything 100% wrong so he was able to go home. Four days after being home.........our nightmare was back and worse than ever!!
Oh my GOD!!! You poor thing!! I can't even imagine!!